You're building your dream house? Improving your current home? Either way, it's the perfect time to connect to the convenience and comfort of a Central Cleaning System from NuTone. And it's the perfect way to keep your home cleaner-and healthier-than ever.
A NuTone Central Cleaning System is just what its name implies; a whole-house vacuuming solution designed to make cleaning more convenient. And because your NuTone system is so powerful, it cleans more efficiently. You'll be amazed at how it pulls more dirt and dust from your home. Therefore you can dust and vacuum less frequently.
Remember, now's the perfect time to inquire about all the built-in benefits a Central Cleaning System can bring. You've made an investment in your home, now NuTone can help you protect it- with a complete and convenient solution that's as affordable as many portables.
That same power means a healthier home too. A NuTone Central Cleaning System removes more dust, dirt and allergy-causing particles than a portable units. Plus, its transports those materials away from your living areas. The result is improved indoor air quality and a cleaner, healthier environment for you and your family.
Unsurpassed Convenience
The heart of your NuTone Central Cleaning System:
The power unit-is installed in an out-of-the-way location. (like the basement, garage or utility room). The tubing goes under the floor or in the attic and connects the power unit to the inlets throughout your home. Once installed all you do is simply plug in a light-weight hose, and you're ready to vacuum from floor to ceiling. No more lugging portable vacuum cleaners. You move effortlessly from room to room, upstairs or down. Dirt is captured in a tidy, disposable bag. Since the power unit is located away from the living area, there's less noise while you are vacuuming.
A Total Solution
Your NuTone Central Cleaning System is your total cleaning solution. NuTone offers an array of power units to fit your home and lifestyle. Plus a complete selection of brushes, hoses, inlets, tubing and fittings. Everything you need to make your cleaning system as efficient and effective as possible.
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